
The last move black played is Ke8. Find the best move for white.
Solution is Qxc5. White has to take the bishop on c5 to get an equal position. This is an example of a rather simple exercise.


The RealChess app currently offers the following chess challenges.

  • RealChess: You are given a position and you should find the best move. This move can be either a defending or a winning move. Some moves are very subtle and difficult to find, making this challenge useful for very experienced chess players as well.
  • BlindChess: Challenge to train to calculate moves in advance. Depending on the level you select (between 1 and 8), you see a number of moves you should calculate in advance. Then, based on the new position, try to find the best move. Like the RealChess challenge, the best move can be either a defending or winning move. Some moves are very subtle and difficult to find, making this challenge usefullfor very experienced chess players as well.
  • Threats: Challenge to learn how to think for your opponent. You are given a position and a move, the challenge is to find the best move for your opponent. This will learn you to think for your opponent and train to see the board from the other side.
  • Choose the Move: you are presented with two optional moves. One move is wrong (and has actually been played in a real game), the other one is correct (and is the best choice by the computer). The challenge is to choose the correct move.
  • Attacked Pieces: Select all pieces that are under attack. Like in the blindchess challenge, it is possible to control the number of blind moves in home->settings->level. The standard level can be used by beginners, to learn to find all the pieces under attack. When the number of blindmoves increases, the difficulty increases as well.
  • Undefended Pieces: Select all pieces that are undefended. Like the blindchess challenge, the number of blind moves can be changed as well.
  • Knight Jump: Challenge to learn how the knight moves fast from one square to another. First you specify the number of pawn in home->settings->blindchess level. Then you should find the minimum number of moves to catch all pawns. This exercise is suitable for beginners when the number of pawns is small (two, or three). The more pawns you select, the more difficult this exercise is.